Website Security Scanner
With the horror stories about websites getting hacked and leaving businesses stranded, we’ve created a proactive approach to protecting our client’s websites. Introducing our Website Security and Integrity service that regularly monitors your websites activities, and if an issue is found, we fix it for you. Let’s face it, there is an alarming amount of […]
Changing the Look of the Magento Store Switcher/Selector
In our last post we discussed how to move the Magento Store Switcher/Selector from the footer to the header. Now that you have moved the store switcher to the header you will probably want to change it’s appearance. For example – you might want an unordered list of links instead of a select drop down. […]
Moving the Magento Store Switcher / Selector
Anyone who has dabbled in making multiple stores in Magento has eventually wanted to change the way the Magento store switcher (also referred to as the Magento store selector) works. By default Magento provides a store switcher in the form of a select menu. The store switcher is located in the footer of the site […]
Target Local Business with Google Local
Most likely you’ve searched Google and have noticed local businesses appearing at the top of a page along side a map. This is Google Local. To get the most out of your Search Engine Optimization (SEO), this is a must! With Google Local, your clients will see local listings appear above even the organic listings. […]